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Young Norfolk Sports Academy (YNSA)

The Young Norfolk Sports Academy (YNSA) is designed to provide expert support and education for the county's most promising athletes. 


Our vision is to identify, support and nurture students so that they have the opportunity to reach their potential as outstanding sportsmen and sportswoman as well as outstanding young individuals. We believe that the Young Norfolk Sports Academy will achieve this by fulfilling the below aims.

To provide expert guidance for promising young Norfolk athletes which will allow them to fulfil their potential;

To create an environment which gives individualised support to athletes in different disciplines within a community of shared endeavour and common aspiration;

Encourage pupils to become self-managing athletes;

To optimise pupils' time so that they can achieve their sporting goals alongside other commitments.


The YNSA is in its second year and was set up by four prominent figures in Norfolk sports education, including Norwich School Headmaster, a Norwich School Housemaster, a prominent sports coach, and the Vice-Chairman of City College Norwich.  The YNSA came from discussions about how we could further support the development of young talented athletes in Norfolk. 


We have a range of resources available to us through our partners, for example the Norwich School provides facilities for workshops and functions whereas the UEA provides facilites for the athletes to train whilst Easton College has testing facilities for the athletes. 


Throughout the year the athletes are monitored by their coaches and mentors. Therefore there is ongoing assessment throughout the year. The ideal outcome is improved performances in competition.   

Pupil Involvement

Pupils involved are between 15 and 18 years old.  There have to apply to be considered for the YNSA programme which is followed by an interview process.  Athletes must be in the top 10 performers in their chosen sport in their home country. The application process is open to Norfolk pupils/athletes


Throughout the year the YNSA programme will deliver workshops designed to enhance the athletes development. There will be appoximately two workshops a month, sometimes more.