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Year 5 Crimebusters

A crime has been committed and we need the help of some Year 5 pupils to solve it! Our Head’s much loved dog, has been dognapped and there are a series of clues to solve which will help us to work out who has him!

Our science department put together a fun and interactive day for Year 5 pupils (boys and girls) where they work in small teams completing simple experiments and solving puzzles to find the answer to the question – Who did it?


To provide an opportunity for Primary School pupils from the state sector to experience completing science experiments in a dedicated science lab.

To encourage curiosity about science and its practical uses.


We came up with idea following discussions with local primary schools who felt there was a need for science activities for pupils which could be more interactive than was possible in their own school settings.

We will continue for the foreseeable future.


We use the school setting and science labs for the day.

Our Science Department are involved in running the sessions with other staff being involved as the 'suspects'.

We were successful in a bid to HSBC for some funding to ensure that we were able to continue to offer the event free of charge (covering the costs of minibuses, refreshment and resources).


After the event, we ask for feedback from the schools involved on a WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If) format.

The event is very popular and oversubscribed each year.

Pupil Involvement

Year 5 pupils - up to 60 at a time.

All pupils who take part are from state schools locally.


The event happens once a year and is planned to be offered for the foreseeable future.