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Year 5 Coding Project

The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, our Computer Science teachers aim to teach pupils to program small robots to not only move and complete challenges, but also to use sensors that react to changes in light and temperature.

The skills and knowledge of the sensors will then be used in the design of their own ‘sustainable house’, a model of which can be printed in 3D. Parents are invited in so pupils can showcase what they have learnt using the robots and present their sustainable house designs explaining how they have designed them to ensure they are eco-friendly.


To teach pupils how to code / programme small robots and CAD using 3D printers

To enable our staff to train Primary School staff in using these emerging technologies in the classroom.


Following discussions with local primary schools, a need was identified to replace the Lego Mindstorm project we used to offer using more up to date technologies.

We successfully applied for some HSBC funding for the project which is conditional on the equipment being donated to the Primary Schools taking part at the end of the year. We also used the feedback from discussions with Schools at the Techathon.


We purchased six sets of equipment (a robot, iPad, 3D printer, licences, etc) using the funding from HSBC. It also covers the cost of minibuses and refreshments for when the pupils and staff visit the school.

The programme is staffed by our Computer Science Department supported by our Sixth Form Digital Leaders.

We have the funding to offer the programme to six local state primary schools.


We are able to offer the programme to six primary schools in the first year and these schools will be gifted a set of equipment to keep at the end of the programme (an iPad, robot, and 3D printer) to continue to use with their pupils.

Feedback from the schools taking part is overwhelmingly positive and the programme is over subscribed.

Pupil Involvement

Year 5 pupils take part (boys and girls).

All the schools taking part are from the state sector (conditional for the funding).


We are able to offer 6 sessions (one for each school) which last a day.