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Year 3-6 Massed Orchestra Day

Shrewsbury High School organise and host a Year 3-6 Massed Orchestra where pupils from different primary schools in the area come together to form an orchestra. It is a really special day with pupils being able to experience a unique opportunity of being part of such a large ensemble. This event is free to all participants. 

Throughout the day, pupils work on their ensemble skills, listening skills, how to balance as part of a section and how to sight-read. It is a fantastic musical experience which will enrich their education and leave them with lasting memories. The sessions begin at 10:00 and continue until 15:00 when there is a spectacular performance to showcase the work that has been achieved throughout the day. Parents are invited to come to the concert and then take their children home with them at the end. The day also includes lunch for all participants.


To allow children learning an instrument to have the opportunity and pleasure of playing in an orchestra regardless of the level of their experience - we have new learners through to students taking graded exams taking part - the individual parts are written for them.

There is no other opportunity like this in the local area.


The idea came from our Director of Music who is passionate about encouraging children to learn to play an instrument. 


The event is held in our New Hall which is large enough to cater for the 110 children taking part in the orchestra (with their instruments and music stands) and their parents.

We use the school minibuses to transport the pupils, staff and instruments to the School.


At the end of each academic year, we ask every school that has taken part in the Outreach Programme from Feedback focusing on WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If) acting on the results as appropriate.

Pupil Involvement

We have spaces for 110 children to take part from Year 3-6.

Both boys and girls take part (even though we are a girls school).


This event happens once a year and will continue indefinitely.