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Year 12 Climate Conference

Climate and sustainability are ongoing themes of our partnership work and this is showcased by our ongoing climate conference that brings together our partner schools and the climate charity, InterClimate Network. This event has taken place for three years now with the most recent being held in 2023.

The Mock COP is arranged to help pupils gain a better understanding of the challenges that many countries have with becoming more ecologically viable. All participants are allocated a country and tasks included preparing and giving headline statements to the whole conference, debating key issues raised in the headline statements and voting on resolutions proposed after further discussions in groups.


The aims were to enable pupils to work collaboratively and in person, sharing and developing ideas with a focus on sustainability and developing an understanding of geopolitical issues.


Teachers at CLS and CLSG who lead on sustainability identified the opportunity which was shared with partner schools.  This is linked to wider work around sustainability as an issue of importance to the young people with whom we work.


The event was hosted at CLS.  Teaching staff were involved in the planning and co-ordination.


The engagement of the pupils was fabulous, and they left with a powerful message from the organisers – ‘find your voice and discover your power’.

Impact was assessed qualitatively through individual feedback:

“The pupils had a wonderful time and got a great deal from this experience - thanks very much for organising it.” Mr Bounds, Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre 

“It helped me, and other pupils, understand the perspectives of different countries and their national interests with regard to tackling climate change” R, City of London School 

Pupil Involvement

Pupils were in Year 12. The group was mixed.


This event has occurred in 2021, 2022, 2023 and is planned to continue in coming years.