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Yateley Manor community athletics afternoon

Athletics Coaching afternoon for local state schools.


The aim of the project is for children from local state primary schools to receive coaching in a number of athletics events.


Yateley Manor works with a number of local state primary schools, including Cranford Park, on a range of projects.  This event was part of an ongoing series of sports initiatives giving their children access to our facilities and coaches.


The project utilised the resources of Yateley Manor's Sports Department including high jump, long jump and hurdles equipment and the Yateley Manor sports staff coaching. The afternoon involved coaching sessions and competitions.  Children were all provided with light afternoon tea.

Pupil Involvement

Three primary schools (including Cranford Park) were each invited to bring twelve Year 2 children (6 girls and 6 boys).


One-off event but part of a series of similar events in other disciplines that are run from time to time.