Work Experience Partnership
Throughout every academic year, we host numerous students for various levels of work experience. This could be within any school department and involves us reporting back to the partnership schools. This is offered every year throughout all terms, with our busiest period being late in the summer term, when the GCSE exams are over.
To provide work experience opportunities for secondary and further education students.
Students approached our school for work exprience in various departments.
This takes up a lot of man hours by our staff, helping to provide meaningful opportunities for the students to develop their skills. It also takes time liaising with the various colleges, performing the necessary background checks and then evaluating each student.
Our staff give a lot of time throughout the year, to help these students from both state and private secondary schools. Often we benefit from outstanding individuals, who are really motivated throughout their placements.
The placements seem to benefit the visiting students a great deal. We have had a few deciding to persue careers in teaching as a result and some have even requested to come back for extra weeks, above and beyond the requirements of their colleges.
Pupil Involvement
In the past few years we have hosted students ranging from 14 years old, through to post graduate level. The placements have helped with Duke of Edinburgh awards, post GCSE, pre and post A-level and PGCE level.
These partnership runs throughout every academic year, with the summer terms always being the busiest period.