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Wolvercote Primary School - Primary School Sport

6th form pupils from St Edward’s School deliver year 5/6 PE lessons at Wolvercote Primary School


The aim of this project is to support Wolvercote Primary School by freeing up some teacher time for Planning Preparation and Assessment (PPA). Another aim is for the pupils at St Edward’s School to learn to plan and lead the sports session successfully and improve their communication and leadership skills.


Wolvercote Primary school has over 330 pupils and is a 20-minute walk away from St Edward’s school. This partnership started in 2018.



Sports equipment – bibs, balls etc..


Teacher time is freed up for PPA

Wolvercote Primary School pupils are exposed to new ‘teachers’

St Edwards pupils have reported they really enjoy teaching the younger pupils and getting them engaged with the activities and sport.

Pupil Involvement

X5 6th form pupils weekly from St Edward’s School

X45 pupils from years 5 and 6 from Wolvercote Primary School


Weekly – ongoing