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WGS Careers Outreach Programme

Wolverhampton Grammar School has made a significant investment in its Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) over the past 18 months. This has included the appointment of a full time Head of Careers, the creation of a ‘Careers Hub’ and the introduction of a bespoke programme for CEIAG, which hosts career development initiatives for all students in years 7 – 13. 

Last year we successfully bid for funding from Merchant Taylors' Foundation to support our own ‘Careers Outreach programme,’ providing career development activities to secondary aged students in state schools within the West Midlands. This enabled the School to organise a variety of university visits and careers insight days for students that otherwise would not have this opportunity. 


Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) should be a vital part of all students’ education experience. In their 2022 report, the DfE stated that “High quality careers education and guidance in school or college is critical to young people’s futures.” Further research proves that CEIAG plays a key part in raising students’ aspirations’, improving outcomes at GCSE and A level, and contributes to positive mental health and wellbeing. It is CEIAG that will enable students to transition smoothly between key stages, make informed decisions about their futures and work towards a prosperous career.

Wolverhampton Grammar School partnered with two schools to share resources and fund careers visits and insight days. 

The project aims were to offer:

-       Further Education and Higher Education opportunities, including trips to institutions and opportunities to meet undergraduate students.

-       Degree Apprenticeships information, and application support.

-       An introduction to careers in a variety of industries, through workplace visits and guest speaker engagements.

-       Participation in careers fairs, where students will get to meet and network with a variety of employers.


The project was the idea of Head of Careers, Miss Kailey, who wanted to offer the same opportunities enjoyed by WGS students, to those in local state schools, particularly those in areas identified to have less resources available to them for careers provision. The project is in its first year.

Students from Gospel Oak Sixth Form and Ormiston SWB attended a Campus Experience Day at the University of Birmingham. As part of this day, they took part in an ‘Introduction to Higher Education,’ allowing students to learn about options for student finance and address misconceptions around studying at University. They enjoyed a full tour of the campus and enjoyed networking with current undergraduate students.

Students from Ormiston SWB have also enjoyed a Medical Careers Insights Day, where their aspirant healthcare professionals were joined by three junior doctors for medical taster activities. This included analysing X-Rays, monitoring blood pressure and discussing medical ethics. The junior doctors also provided advice and guidance on preparing a successful application to study medicine.  

Students from Ormiston SWB also joined WGS students for a ‘day in the life of a pilot,’ a bespoke initiative organised for our aspirant pilots. This took place at Halfpenny Green airport in Stourbridge, where students looked at pathways to becoming a pilot and even had flying lesson funded by the MTF. Should these students continue to pursue their pilot’s licence, the hour funded by the MTF will count as an hour towards their training, giving them a robust start to their journey in becoming a Pilot.

Each school was also supported in the enhancement of their business partnerships, enabling their students to have more varied encounters with employers.


External funding was used to fund transportation to the university experience days and to secure professionals to deliver workshops in School.

Some activities were off campus and others used the School's facilities. Head of Careers, Miss Kailey was involved with all activities, often with an accompanying member of staff from WGS.


Our partner schools are located within highly deprived areas of the West Midlands and students within these schools typically do not have family or friends who have attended university. As such, this experience will have been their first encounter of Higher Education, and we hope will have encouraged them to aspire to make a future higher education application.

As news has spread about our work in supporting surrounding state schools, we have been contacted by additional careers leaders who have requested for their school to be a part of our careers outreach programme.  Securing additional funding will play a crucial role in us expanding our pool of support to these schools.

Pupil Involvement

37 Year 12 students from Gospel Oak Sixth Form and Ormiston SWB attended a Campus Experience Day at the University of Birmingham in October 2023. A second Birmingham University visit saw WGS take 50 Year 7 students from Ormiston SWB Academy in December.

In January 2024, 25 Ormiston SW students from a number of year groups attended a medical careers insight day at Wolverhampton Grammar School.

In March 2024, two Ormiston SWB students were joined by four Wolverhampton Grammar School students to experience a day in the life of a pilot at Halfpenny Green Airport.


This was the first year of extending our careers provision to neighbouring schools. It is hoped that we will continue our outreach programme but this is dependent on securing additional funding which has been applied for.
