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West Kent ISSP Go-Kart Launch

The launch of the go-kart for the annual Soapbox race to the ISSP schools at Kent College.

The West Kent ISSP is involved in the Tunbridge Wells Soapbox race having helped develop a new schools race. The race is open to all schools in the local area, each having to build a go-kart from an agreed set of plans held centrally by Kent College.

The launch event was to present and discuss the go-kart and meet the designer. It was attended by teachers from all ISSP schools.

The West Kent Independent State School Partnership (ISSP) is a partnership of nine secondary schools - Beechwood Sacred Heart School, The Judd School, Kent College Pembury, The Malling School, Mascalls Academy, Oakley School, The Skinners’ School, Skinners’ Kent Academy and Tunbridge Wells Girls Grammar School. It has been established with the aim of sharing resources and providing high aspirational learning opportunities for pupils. The projects also enable teachers to extend their professional development, free from curriculum constraints.


The Soapbox Race is an extra-curricular STEM project designed to share resources where appropriate. 

The launch event was the opportunity for all ISSP schools to see a built go-kart, discuss the plans and meet the designer and engineering advisor.

The go-karts will race in the local annual Soapbox Race in Tunbridge Wells. This is an event for the wider community which has the aim of raising funds for 2 local charities.


A STEM project between Kent College and Mascalls Academy enabled Year 9 students to design, build and time test go-karts. This involved sharing resource and premises. 



The launch event was organised by and held at Kent College in November 2019. A conference room on site was used.

Teaching staff attended the event along with teaching staff from all ISSP schools. The event lasted 2 hours.

Kent College provided and paid for refreshments.


Monthy updates on the progress of the kart building.

Final assessment will include

- the karts built with individual designs

- how they race

- student engagement and feeback

- fundraising for charity

Pupil Involvement

Over 100 pupils are involved across all ISSP schools.

They are in Year 9 (13-14 years).

Both genders.


This is an annual STEM project.