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Volunteering with the RDA

Volunteering with the Riding for the Disabled Association, helping disabled adults and children ride. Cleaning out the stables and horse maintenance. 


Giving more disabled people opportunities to ride horses by having more people available to supervise the ride. Girls gain an understanding of different physical and mental disabilities. 


We contacted them in 2023 to see if they needed volunteers which they did. 


Our girls take private transport to the RDA. They work in common areas, stables and the arena. 


There are more volunteers around so more disabled people can ride (higher ratios). There is less manual work for staff when our girls muck out and maintain the horses.

Pupil Involvement

Our Sixth Form students, aged between sixteen and eighteen, are involved in this opportunity.


Girls volunteer on a weekly basis and thus they are able to build strong relationships with staff, users and horses.