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Volunteering at Bettridge School

Bettridge is a community-based school for pupils with severe learning disabilities aged between five and nineteen, and our girls volunteer mainly with the younger students, providing stimulating entertainment and learning support and assisting to maintain Bettridge's safe and supportive environment.


The aim of this partnership is to fulfill Bettridge's need for high staffing ratios and thus help each pupil with their individual needs and ensure that they can learn and develop.


Our girls use private transport such as the school minibus to visit Bettridge school. They work with both teaching staff and non-teaching staff when they are there. They use the facilities on site. In the academic year 2023-2024, one girl raised money to take a student on a pilgrimage to Lourdes through HCPT. 


Teachers value having extra adults in the classroom. When the girls make resources for the pupils teachers value the time saved by them not having to do that administrative task. The outcome of this is that we have a long standing relationship and cohesion between our schools. 

Pupil Involvement

Our Sixth Form students, aged between sixteen and eighteen, are involved in this opportunity.


Girls volunteer on a weekly basis and thus they are able to build strong relationships with the children in their care, and help each child with their own particular challenges.