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Trent College: Celebration Reader Day 2024

Trent College Celebration Reader Day involves 60 higher-attaining Year 5 pupils from primary schools in our local community. They spend the day in a mixture of workshops and author presentations, focused on developing their own love of reading.

We invite two published authors to join us, both of who do a whole group presentation, sharing their own writing tips and their journey to become an author. They offer a book signing at the end, where the visiting children can chat to them and ask questions.

The pupils attend two our of three available workshops - two run by the visiting authors and the other by the Head of English at Trent College. These workshops focus on the Year 6 objectives for working at greater depth to stretch and challenge the children.

The children are all given lunch and afternoon refreshments. They take home a goody bag each with a book, notebook and pen, and bookmark.



The aim of the Celebration Reader Day was to invite local primary schools to bring a group of their top Year 5 readers to celebrate and promote excellence in reading for talented young people.

We recognised the need to provide an opportunity to stretch those higher-attainers in reading.

The 60 Year 5 pupils that took part directly benefited, along with the teachers and TA's that accompanied them, as the day was full of practical tips and ideas to improve their own writing and literacy work.



The Reader Day was created by the Head of Library Services at Trent College, Ms Scothern, along with the External School Liaison Manager, Mrs Rhodes. 

There is spare capacity at Trent in June for classrooms and teachers, once the external exams are over, so we felt there was an opportunity to maximise on this to invite local pupils to Trent College for a celebration of reading.

It was established in 2022 and has run for 3 years.


Resources critical to the success of the partnership are 60 Year 5 pupils and their teachers joining us for the day, and the two visiting authors to engage and inspire them while they are here.

In addition to the two authors, we were joined by our Head of English, Mr Beal for the day, plus three members of non-teaching staff.

All staff members were present from 9.30am to 3.30pm. 

We used the Devonshire Library for one hour in the morning, two teaching classrooms - the Careers Centre and Wortley Conference Centre for 2 hours across lunchtime, and the May Hall all day.

The children were all given a packed lunch and afternoon refreshments. They left with a goody-bag with a book to read, a note book and pen, and a bookmark. Each school took home a guided reading set of 6 books for their school to use.

Class group photographs were taken for each school and posted to the children after the event. 

Minibus transport was provided for two visiting schools, both to arrive here in the morning, and then return to their primary schools at the end of the day.

There was no charge made for this event.


"I really liked listening to Edward Trayer and seeing the children joining in his workshop; I felt this was really informative and could help them with their writing and even help me as a teacher." Year 6 teacher, Dovedale Primary School

“I really enjoyed the drawing session with Alex Foulkes because I was able to let my imagination run wild.” Year 5 pupil, Firfield Primary School

" The day re-enforced a love for reading with the children. No doubt will have inspired some to consider writing as a career option." Year 5 teacher, Round Hill Primary School

“I loved it because it was an excuse to read all day” Year 5 pupil, Firfield Primary School

Pupil Involvement

60 mixed Year 5 (aged 9-10) pupils are invited - all from state primary schools


This is an annual event, held once a year in June.


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