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Tile Cross Partnership

Tile Cross has been an official Solihull School partner for 4 years and the formal partnership with the Tile Cross Academy has continued to grow despite the pandemic.

The most successful collaboration to date has been in creating a joint CCF (Cadet) section. The CCF link has been formalised with a joint parade and the development of a Corps of Drums. Other departments and activities are becoming more involved in the partnership, notably MFL and debating. There has also been collaboration between pupils on a languages project. 

In addition to the CCF link, Solihull School has worked with Tile Cross to encourage applicants to our Sixth Form with the provision of bursaries for successful candidates. 

Pupil Involvement

Pupils from Tile Cross attend Cadet training at Solihull each week. Pupils from both schools have attended a cadet camp in Boston, USA for the last three years. 


This is an ongoing partnership.