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The Wealden Schools Partnership

This formal partnership between Dulwich Cranbrook, 1 Independent School and 14 local state primary schools continues to expand. Dulwich Cranbrook created the partnership in September 2022 and is continuing to expand the number of schools involved. 

Dulwich Cranbrook hosts a number of sporting, music and academic events throughout the year including:

- An afternoon of fun cricket matches to give local schools the opportunity to play a big event without having to travel a long way.

- A fun and competitive Athletics Festival for Pupils in Year 3-6. This is open to all Wealden Schools Partnership Schools or any schools wishing to join.

- A swimming festival proving an opportunity local primary school children to enjoy an afternoon of fun races in an outdoor swimming pool.

- An afternoon of training and fun hockey games, designed to give the opportunity to try a new sport to some, and others a chance to harness their skills.

- An afternoon where all of our partner schools come for some Netball coaching and games, followed by medals and refreshments.


          To bring as many local schools together as possible, as many times as feasible.

·         Provide varied opportunities for pupils from all schools.

·         Foster positive, collaborative relationships between staff at different schools.

·         Provide a hub and point of contact for schools to be able to reach out to each other.

·         Provide one central location that all schools can come together at for various events.

·         Provide opportunities for our older pupils to learn about what it means to provide. something for your ‘Community’ and the benefits of doing so.

·         Encourage pupils to have a go at things they might not have tried before.


We have hosted sporting, music and academic events for a number of years now, for local primary pupils. Our Community Partnerships Lead saw an opportunity to create a formal partnership and so contacted local schools to gauge interest. There was lots.


Time - man hours for the organisation of events; communication with other schools and between departments to host such events.

All events are held at Dulwich Cranbrook - given the central location to the partnership schools and the vast resources it is the perfect location.

Events are held every half term and more are added to the calendar as they are conceived.


Huge pupil involvement across all member schools. Schools within the partnership are already reaching out with requests for other events and training requests have also started coming in eg: a programme for sports leaders.

Pupil Involvement

So far, events are planned and have occurred for pupils in years 2-6 inclusive, but with Dulwich Cranbrook expanding to GCSE in September, the partnership will expand to include secondary age pupils also.