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The Oxbridge Network

Solihull has been instrumental in setting up the Solihull Area Oxbridge Network which now has 11 schools ranging from academies to grammar schools. 

The Oxbridge Network is a dynamic group of local schools which helps to share and pool this expertise. Our staff, in conjunction with others from the Network, offer preparation sessions, thought-provoking lectures, mock interviews for applicants as part of the Interview Xchange, and training for the teachers who support them.  The network also provides opportunities to visit Girton College, Oxford, annually. 


The aim of the network is to widen access to skills, resources and experiences which will enable individuals from all backgrounds to avail themselves of the support required for the Oxbridge application in addition to that offered by their schools.


The network has strong links with both Oxford and Cambridge Admissions tutors and outreach staff and events have included Admissions talks, interview support and general advice. The network also runs an interview Xchange every November to provide access to experienced interviewers across the schools’ network.


Network events are frequently held at Solihull, with Solihull teaching staff working with the Oxbridge Co-Ordinator in order to facilitate the interview practice sessions and lectures.  The transport costs of the Oxford University trip are covered by Solihull.

Pupil Involvement

Sixth Form pupils from numerous different schools in the local area.


Events and activities take place throughout all three terms.