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The EDGE - Outreach

Every Wednesday afternoon, our pupils are fully involved with an array of EDGE activities. There is a full games program for Year 7 & 8 so we can enjoy a range of midweek matches and include the Prep School in block fixtures. From Year 9 upwards, the CCF cadets are able to participate in an exciting range of activities. The alternative programs in Year 9 and 10 provide opportunities for outdoor pursuits and practical life skills such as cooking, sewing, first aid, and upcycling. Community action projects for Years 11, 12 and 13 focus on service and giving back to our local community either by helping with ‘tech club’, visiting local groups, playing croquet or volunteering in local charity shops.

“Well over a hundred of our pupils are engaged in community service every single week and I am very proud of what we offer. This school has been at the heart of the community of Warminster since 1707 and I feel that we are very much in a position to give back and really make a difference to the lives of the people around us.” Matt Williams, Headmaster


Over a 180 of our pupils are engaged in community service every single week during term time and we are very proud of what we offer. This school has been at the heart of the community of Warminster since 1707 and I feel that we are very much in a position to give back and really make a difference to the lives of the people around us.”

Pupil Involvement

Pupils from years 11-13 


Weekly, term time for 2 hours.

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