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The Big Draw: Back to Colour - local primary schools event

In October 2021, the Art department first organised its first the 'Big Draw - Make the change' project for local primary schools. 

This is now a regular feature of our annual programme of cultural outreach 



We aim to provide a workshop with a circuit of visual arts activities to promote and celebrate drawing as a medium for self-expression and well-being. (The Big Draw Campaign aims to get the nation drawing regardless of age/ background.)

Each year we vary the activities, but a sample programme might include: 

STEAM clocks 

Slogan Badge making 

Protest placards

Drawing with sand timers 

Drawing with light (cyanotypes)

Gelli Printmaking (equity) 

This allowes the pupils to engage in the production of exciting work with energy and vibe along with access to some of the more expensive and unusual materials. It also aimed to provide some CPD for staff accompanying their pupils.

Our 5th and 6th form students also gained valuable skills in leadership/ teamwork and interpersonal skills. They practised peer teaching and the whole project proved to be a great community engagement event.


We do several other art based projects eg our mural at Meole Brace Primary School and we want to help primary schools further, bringing in schools from the Marches Academy Trust


We used our Art faculty's budget to allow the pupils access to a wide variety of mediums and drawing possibilities, as well as both inside and outside space for the more unusual items - such as live drawings of Alpacas, a previous Big Draw. 

Art staff and technicians are happy to help with the event.


We take lots of photos and share them via social media and have had great feedback from staff.

We were nominated for the Creativity Award by the TES and received a 'Highly Commended'.

For the 2021 Big Draw, one of the year 6 pupils commented "The art was the best day ever! We had such a lovely buffet with pineapple and brownies and I made these badges. I just loved that I could do my own design"

Pupil Involvement

Around 100 pupils from the KS2 age range take part and around 20 of our 5th and 6th form pupils help out, along with 5 members of our Art faculty.

Some 3 Staff from each primary school attended as well. 


Our first Big Draw was in 2019, on the theme "Drawn to Life" It is now an annual event and hopefully it will grow to encompass more pupils from the local area.