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Symphony Orchestra

The Shrewsbury Town Symphony Orchestra is an organisation that rehearses and performs at school, drawn from members of the local community.

It works with 'In Harmony' in Telford - a nationally recognised scheme for providing music education to children in deprived areas. It is government funded.

The orchestra gives concerts in town at Theatre Severn, The Abbey and the Sixth from College etc. as well as school.


The orchestra was established in the 19th century for the community and has a long association with the school as a venue and partner.

Pupils are encouraged to perform in the orchestra when the opportunity arises, e.g. concertos. Staff may join outside of school.

The local members of the orchestra have the opportunity to use our facilities.


The organisation has been a partner of Shrewsbury School for decades and benefits from our large hall for rehearsals and concerts.

It has its own website. 


The school's Director of Music is the Conductor and we offer our hall for rehearsals and concerts.


The audiences that the orchestra attracts can be from more all areas of the community and these benefit from the cultural positives of musical enrichment. The semi-professional playing benefits all who listen.

Pupil Involvement

When the orchestra is working with 'In Harmony', some 30-40 primary school age children will be involved. They will perform with the orchestra and by themselves at the concerts.


The termly dates vary each year. We hope this partnership continues into the future.