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Supporting charities and fundraising

At RGS, we take great pride in our commitment to charitable activities and fundraising efforts. Throughout the year, our students, staff, and community members come together to support a variety of causes, demonstrating a profound sense of compassion and social responsibility.

Our fundraising initiatives are diverse and creatively planned to engage everyone in meaningful ways. From bake and donut sales and non-uniform days to delivering free school meals to children at a local state school, we try to ensure that there are numerous opportunities for everyone to participate and contribute. 


A summary of our recent activities is outlined below.

New 11+ joiners to RGS are invited in to participate in a charity treasure hunt to raise money and awareness for a local charity called The Giant Pledge.

Pupils in Year 8 have taken part in an Elf Run to raise money and awareness for Tadworth Children's Trust.

Pupils in Years 7 and 8 have baked cakes to sell for MacMillan Cancer Charity while pupils from all year groups donated requested items of food for Loveworks foodbank charity.

A number of our sixth formers also arranged donut sales to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association and for the Red Cross appeal in the aftermath of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

Pupils in Years 7-13 have also raised money for Children in Need and also Tadworth Children's Trust, making a donation to wear mufti. For Children In Need, they also voted for staff to wear a Pudsey onesie for the day. 

We have supported Stripey Stork with donations of toiletries, after RGS asked its community for donations of nappies and stationery and the response has been overwhelming. The Under 15 Hockey team also ran the distance from RGS to Lapland to raise money through sponsorship for Stripey Stork. Through our partnership with Stripey Stork, the RGS community made donations of household items and clothing to help Afghan refugees in our local community.

RGS has also hosted a termly afternoon tea for elderly people who live at home. We provided tea and cake, and a group of first form pupils served the tea, chatted and sang with the residents.

The DT department and sixth form pupils from RGS made a selection of wooden letters and corrugated card shaped into Disney characters for Tadworth Court's end of term celebrations for the pupils of the sixth form.

We offered the use of the Harrison Centre for Loveworks Cuppa Tea Club, to enable the Cuppa Tea Club to have a pleasant venue and be able to meet. 

RGS has also teamed up with Vegilante, to deliver over 4,000 meals to local primary school pupils receiving free school meals and we have supported Loveworks via the foodbank. 

Pupil Involvement

11-18. Pupils in the first form take part in a Zumbathon to raise money and awareness for Lepra.


Annual; morning