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Support for pupils significantly affected by Covid lockdowns

In the Academic year 2021-22, Y13 pupils from LGS delivered online taught sessions to groups of Y7 pupils at Manor High School, identified as being significantly affected by the first period of school closure whilst at Primary School. Weekly 'Reader Leader' and 'Maths Mentor' sessions were lead by LGS Sixth Form pupils over Microsoft Teams, working with small groups of Y7 pupils. Pupils were supervised by a member of staff in each school to comply with child protection guidelines. 


To offer LGS pupils a chance to complete Community Service at a time when it was hard to find placements, and to offer the Y7 pupils a chance to catch up with work missed during school closure due to Covid lockdown.


Links between the Headteachers of LGS and Manor High School and collaboration work between the Assistant Heads at each school.


Use of Microsoft Teams in both schools.

A member of teaching staff was used in both schools were used to monitor pupils and deal with any IT-related issues.


The sessions were carried out on a weekly basis and were very well-received by both pupils and staff from Manor High School.

Pupil Involvement

Y13 Pupils from the independent sector prepared and delivered the lessons to the Y7 pupils from the link school.


Sessions were held weekly for the remainder of the academic year. Whilst this arrangement did not continue in the academic year 2021-22, we hope to re-start an enhanced version of this scheme in September 2022 and develop similar links between LGS and other local schools.