Support and Links to Local Primary Schools
The federated schools of Graffham CE Infants and Duncton CE Juniors are located in villages of Graffham and Duncton that border the campus of Seaford College. Seaford College provides and assists on a number of aspects including a morning and afternoon mini bus service to move pupils between the two schools, weekly use of the swimming pool for year group lessons, use of the performing arts centre - Johnson Centre for their annual Christmas Production to enable their entire school community to attend and the PTA to provide refreshments / fund raise vital funds. The performing arts centre also includes the technical assistance and expertise of sound, lighting and visual projection. All this assistance is provided free of charge.
In addition, Seaford College fields a number of adhoc requests - food supplies such as oranges for their annual Christingle, financial support with heating fuel theft, athletic field use for events and more.
Sixth Formers are availabe to assist in the classroom and previously Seaford College has provided a Modern Foreign Language teacher.
Build a relationship and provide assistance for the federated schools of Graffham and Duncton.
When the schools were federated over 10 years ago, a pledge was made by the primary schools to provide a transport option for parents by encouraging them to go to their closest school or most convenient, then a transport ‘shuttle’ service would be engaged to move students between the two locations through the campus of Seaford College which is the shortest route. Seaford College has provided a mini bus for this service ever since.
Along with this aspect, Seaford College has been able to provide the school with facilities which allows the whole school community and their parents to gather for the Christmas performance. Use of the pool has allowed them to decommission their pool hence saving vital budget money.
Mini buses, pool, athletic fields, performing art centre, food and refreshments, financial contribution for advertising and theft of heating fuel.
Provide services and facilities free of charge which allows the primary schools stretch their very tight annual budget
Pupil Involvement
Students from primary school age Reception to Year 6 then all the way up to Sixth Form.
Weekly, annually, irregular and adhoc requests.