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Summer Catch-Up Programmes

Given the Summer term lockdown, two of our partner schools, St Mary's RC and Sacred Heart RC Primaries, organised two-week summer school catch-up programmes for their Year 1 and Year 5 children from 27 July to the 7th August. 

Groups of 15 children participated in literacy and maths sessions each morning with games and art taking place in the afternoon. An amazing 33 Emanuel sixth form pupils volunteered during their summer holidays to help. They provided hands-on support in the literacy, maths and arts sessions and designed and ran the sports sessions. 


The aims of the programmes were to fill in some of the gaps in learning and, importantly, to enable the children to have fun together after the challenges of lockdown and home learning. 


Many children really struggled over the Summer term lockdown as they had limited or no ability to access on-line lessons. Parents were afraid to let their children out, especially if someone in the household was shielding. Fitness and fresh air were therefore compromised too.

Sacred Heart and St Mary's are active partners collaborating on a range of initiatives. The concept of the summer schools made sense as an opportunity for children to catch up academically and enjoy the benefits of exercise and social interaction again. Having the support of Emanuel Sixth form volunteers across the two schools made it financially feasible. In addition, it was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to provide hands-on support. 


Our sixth form pupils were the critical resource! A member of Emanuel staff recruited and organised the volunteers. Thirty-three of our pupils volunteered over the period. 


We did not formally assess the programme but had 100% positive feedback from all involved. 

The Executive Headteacher of the Federation of Sacred Heart and St Mary’s RC Primary Schools Battersea, stated in a letter to Mr Milne, 'I wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate you and thank you for the hard working, enthusiastic Emanuel Sixth form volunteer students that joined my two summer schools in July and August. They were all fantastic and such a credit to you and the school. The children from St Mary’s and Sacred Heart loved working with them and the teachers really appreciated the support.'  

Pupil Involvement

Thirty-three of our Sixth form cohort volunteered. 


The Summer school was planned as a one-off event. Given the current situation, we are looking to continue a variant of this programme going forward.