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Stretch and Challenge Activities with The Hurlingham Academy

We invited 32 pupils from The Hurlingham Academy's Grammar Stream. These are their year 7 pupils who have been identified as more able, and then are provided with opportunities for accelerated learning and extra enrichment. To contribute to The Hurlingham Academy's excellent work, Ibstock invited them for a day packed with exciting activities.  These included workshops on:

- Creating digital media using our newly refurbished innovation centre

- Design and technology and use of the 3D printer

- Watercolour painting in nature (pupils were also provided with a sketchbook, brush, and paints to take home)

- Greek myths

Pupils then watched our Lower Senior Production, Imaginary, performed by Ibstock's S7 - S9 cast, and were provided with ice cream refreshments in the interval.  Ibstock also provide lunch for the visiting pupils.


Our Head is a former governor of THA and wishes for Ibstock to build a strong relationship with THA, as he has seen the brilliant work they do.


Ibstock provided staffing/teaching, lunches, materials, and facilities.

Pupil Involvement

All pupils were in year 7.


This is the second time this event has occurred.  We look forward to working with THA again.