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Storywriting Masterclass and Book Signing with author Caroline Lawrence

Nottingham High Infant and Junior School hosted an event with author of The Roman Histories series Caroline Lawrence. Ms Lawrence gave a talk on story writing, for 60 Year 3 & 4 pupils from local state primary schools. 


The aim was to give Year 3 and 4 children from local primary schools the opportunity to be inspired by a well-known author.  


One of our Year 3 Class Teachers, hosted Caroline Lawrence’s visit for our Junior School pupils. She identified the opportunity to invite children and staff from other local schools, by noting the additional capacity we could offer in our School Hall. The Senior School Assistant Head, pioneered the opportunity within the school, and approved the budget to provide free copies of Caroline Lawrence’s books to visiting children.  


The event required the presence of Caroline Lawrence, and a set of her books to gift to visiting children. Caroline Lawrence hosted her storytelling workshop in our Junior School Hall, which has the capacity to fit the school’s Year 3 cohort, as well as 63 visiting children and accompanying members of staff.  
One of our Year 3 teachers, organised and hosted the event. The schools’ Head of Admissions and Partnership oversaw the invitation and booking process for the visiting schools. 
The event itself lasted for 1 hour. The school contributed £315 to purchase copies of signed books for the visiting children.  


Two of the visiting schools shared the following testimonials: 
"We had an amazing time at Nottingham High School’s author event with Caroline Lawrence. The children learnt so much about the Romans, which was a fabulous introductory session before we begin our Romans topic in the summer. Caroline really brought the Roman era alive, igniting the children’s interest, especially with all of the facts about Roman toilets and hygiene! Caroline’s energetic and humorous delivery ensured that the children were mesmerised throughout the whole session. The children were delighted to each be gifted one of Caroline’s books. Thank you for a fabulous afternoon." Teacher, Sneinton St Stephen's CofE Primary School 
"Year 4 from St Augustine's were inspired by meeting the author Caroline Lawrence at the High School.  They were fascinated to hear how she compiled her Roman series of books and what inspired her to become a writer. She taught the children the components of a how to be a brilliant story writer and they can't wait to implement this in their English. They have treasured their signed copies of the Thieves of Ostia. Thank you to Nottingham High School for inviting us, and Caroline for all we learnt!" Teacher, St Augustine's Catholic Primary School 
The schools were also given signed posters by Caroline Lawrence, to serve as a source of ongoing inspiration in their classrooms.  

Pupil Involvement

63 Year 3 pupils (aged 7-8) attended from 3 visiting schools.  


We are planning to host this annual event for the foreseeable future.