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Jubilee High School ISSP

St George's College and Jubilee High School have embarked upon a mutually beneficial partnership beginning in 2021-22, with the intention of building a meaningful, long-term strategic relationship across the two schools. Activities and projects planned for the first year are intended to springboard further pieces of work and expand the positive impacts of the partnership to an ever increasing number of students (across different year groups), staff (teaching and non-teaching) and the local community.

JHS and SGC have established seven specific actions for the first year of the partnership. These involve a variety of staff members, year groups and opportunities for students and staff alike:

- Present to one another’s leadership teams
- Re-launch the sixth form reading initiative at JHS
- Run three masterclasses for year 10 JHS high attainers in a selected subject
- Pilot a ‘buddy scheme’ between two peers working together at middle leadership level
- Run a CPD session either remotely or in person on using data effectively (JHS) and stretch and challenge (SGC)
- Explore year 9 work experience students / D of E Gold placements running at JHS
- Explore running sports day for JHS at SGC.


The long term aims of the relationship are:

- For the schools to learn from one another and draw on one another’s skills

- To share some of the resources and expertise available in both schools

- To help reposition Jubilee High School in the eyes of the local community by showcasing the outcomes from the partnership

- To build on effective work St George's College already offers in the local community

It is important this collaborative partnership remains mutually advantageous to both JHS and SGC. The immediate beneficiaries are both staff and students at JHS and SGC:

- The students will gain valuable experience and skills through the joint programmes involved in this partnership, including the sixth form reading initiative which has already begun

- This partnership presents teaching staff and leadership teams with the opportunity to share best practice and learn from one another. It also presents training and development opportunities, and the ability to gain placement experience leading to further qualification.


St George’s College and Jubilee High School are keen to begin a long-term strategic partnership which would be of benefit to both schools. This builds upon existing links between SGC and JHS forged through joint projects such as the sixth form reading initiative, which has now been in place for a few years.

The Senior Leadership Team at SGC and JHS, and the Bourne Education Trust of which JHS is a member school, have embarked upon this partnership together and shaped key aims for the first year with actions mapped out to continue and enhance the partnership over time and beyond the first year.

The partnership is new to 2021-22, with two actions carried out so far in the first half term of the academic year. There is a minimum of one activity planned for each half term for the remainder of the school year.


Critical to the success of this partnership is the commitment and involvement of staff (majority senior leadership and teaching staff) and students, namely, years 9, 10, 11 and sixth form. There are a variety of projects which both involve and benefit different groups. 

Some planned activities are reliant upon school resources, for example, the sports facilities at SGC will be a central part of running a JHS sports day at the College.


As this is a new partnership, only two of the seven pre-arranged actions have taken placed and therefore an assessment has not yet been carried out.

We anticipate that the collaborations scheduled to take place during 2021-22 will springboard further pieces of work, for example, an increased number of shared CPD sessions, the expansion of workshops and buddying schemes to include more year groups and further involvement from both the teaching and non-teaching staff body.

In previous years', the sixth form reading initiative has proven highly beneficial to both SGC and JHS students. It is a powerful tool in developing the interpersonal skills of students at SGC, whilst also providing an chance to engage with the local community and gain a wider perspective. For JHS students, in addition to enhanced english and literacy skills, it is an opportunity to interact with sixth form students first hand, and expand their understanding of what sixth form education entails, the subjects on offer and the ways in which it differs from their existing school experience. JHS does not have a sixth form so this is not something seen in daily school life. JHS students therefore gain wider knowledge on post-16 education, and what future pathways may be best suited to them as an individual.

Pupil Involvement

Four of the seven current actions of the partnership directly involve students from either JHS, SGC, or both. 

Projects are in place for students in years 9, 10 and 11, and sixth form. This covers an age range of 13 - 18.


This is a new partnership with a range of collaborative and mutually beneficial work in place for the 2021-22 academic year.

The intention is to build a meaningful, long term relationship across the two schools, with the initial projects organised for 2021-22 acting as a springboard for further pieces of work.