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St Gabriel's/Ashford Hill Chinese New Year Event

Day of Chinese themed events to celebrate Chinese New Year. Activities were: a calligraphy lesson, Tai Chi session led by our fully trained Chinese Language Assistant, lesson on how the Chinese calendar came into being, traditional paper cutting activity. Chinese lunch provided by our Chef and his team in a traditionally decorated dining area - using couplets, window decoupages etc. Fortune cookies provided!


To strengthen relationship between out two schools.

To enrich the already successful learning experience of the Junior pupils in Chinese, by extending their knowledge of Chinese culture. The children are learning the language in our Outreach sessions rather than culture.


Developed as an idea grown out of our existing Chinese Outreach programme.


Transport to and from St Gabriel's

Cooperation of Chef and kitchen team to provide Chinese themed food

Decorating materials for the specific New Year (i.e. this year = Year of the Pig)

Brushes, paper and ink for calligraphy

Chinese teacher and one other, to be available to support.

Tai Chi instructor (happens that our Chinese language assistant this year is a trained instructor)suitable venue for Tai Chi also required.

No cost to visiting school.


Impossible to measure enjoyment! other than the comments on the day and afterwards from the children. Anticipated outcome - children will have broadened their understanding of Chinese culture and become curious to know more.

Pupil Involvement

15 pupils aged 9-10 years, involved from visiting school, with accompanying teacher. No involvement from our school this time, but in future activities of this kind, we may involve them. 


This was the first event of its kind. We hope to repeat this with other local schools and maybe with Ashford Hill again.