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St Albans School staff member Governor at St Helen's C of E Primary School

R uses her work experience in education to support St Helen's C of E Primary School and advise the Governing body.


To combine R's pastoral skills as Deputy Head of Lower School at St Albans School with her desire to be involved in a Church School as a committed Christian.

Also, to experience how schools function in a primary setting and learn more about how to help with school admissions and transition to secondary school.


R was approached by a member of staff at the school. She had a tour of St Helen's and decided to get involved.


St Albans School allows R leave of absence in order to allow her to fulfil her role as a Governor.

Pupil Involvement

Two of our Sixth Form Partnership students volunteer at St Helen's on Friday afternoons.


R attends termly FGB meetings and also termly meetings for the PPCC committee. She also looks at admissions to the School and is working on updates to this policy. She undertakes any training required for the role, much of which is transferrable between the two schools.