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St Albans School staff member Governor at Maple Primary School

S our Music Department Administrator is a Governor at Maple Primary school . She is Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee and responsible for health and safety. In addition, she is a member of the Premises committee and Pay and Personnel committee.


S uses her work experience in education and knowledge as a parent of the school to provide support to Maple School and advise the Governing body


S is a parent and her children attended the school. Maple Primary is also one of our Partnership Schools. 


St Albans School will allow S leave of absence to attend meetings where necessary to fulfil her role as a Governor


Further enhances the link between our two schools and provides additional support to the local community.

Pupil Involvement

A Sixth Form volunteers acts as classroom assistant at Maple school every Friday afternoon


The full Governing Body meet once per term. All other committee meetings are held once per term.