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St Albans School staff member Governor at Lakeside School

P is on the Governing body of Lakeside School; a SPMLD (Severe and Profound Multiple Learning Difficulties) school with 62 children aged 2 to 19 on its roll.  He chairs the Safeguarding committee and is the Child Protection Governor, and is also the CLA Governor.  


P uses the knowledge he has gained from working as Deputy DSL at St Albans School to help advise the committee at Lakeside and support them with dealing with Child Protection.


As a former parent of Lakeside he enjoys helping the school achieve the wonderful things it does, celebrating its successes and seeing it continue to evolve. The school has been awarded 'Outstanding' in its last 5 Ofsted inspections.


St Albans School grants leave of absence as required enabling P to perform his role as Governor.


P attends four Safeguarding Committee meetings and four full Governing body meetings each year, as well as a number of of Safeguarding/CLA review meetings.  In addition he is linked to a class, which he visits at least once a term and he attends some of the more social events at the school, including Leavers' assembly and School fetes.