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Sports Workshops at Cutteslowe Primary School

Two members of St Edward's staff attend Cutteslowe Primary School on a weekly basis to deliver sports sessions to pupils at the school. In the winter and spring term, each class had a rugby workshop and in the summer term, these will be tennis workshops. They are accompanied by three Lower Sixth pupils who assist with the sessions as part of our Teddies Collaborates programme. 


Cutteslowe expressed a need for more varied sporting opportunities for their pupils. 


Launched in September 2022, our Teddies Collaborates programme sees each member of the Lower Sixth volunteering in the community for 90 minutes weekly. 


St Edward's School has invested in primary school tennis resources which has included pop up nets, buckets of balls and 30 small tennis rackets.

The sessions take place at Cutteslowe Primary school, either in the hall or if the weather is nice, outside on the playground.


Feedback has been positive from both staff and pupils. The rugby taster sessions worked well which lead on to the tennis taster sessions being organised as a result.

Pupil Involvement

Cutteslowe classes are on a rotation for these sessions, so all pupils from years 1-6 are involved. 

St Edward's pupils are Lower Sixth.


This session happens weekly during term time.