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South West Artist Teachers - subject specific CPD and collaboration

South West Artist Teachers invites anyone in North Wiltshire or the wider south west area who is passionate about art, craft and design education in both formal and informal settings, involving any age group, sector or level. Our aim is to regularly meet on an informal basis to share experiences, ideas and questions – as well as skills, knowledge and creativity. Together, we can shape the future of Art education in our locality.


The aim of this event is to facilitate subject specific CPD (continuing professional development) and create opportunities for collaboration.

This event is held twice yearly and includes a workshop offered by its members for its members. Students of practitioners, Art Society Young Arts representative have a platform to showcase opportunities and assist with a selection of students into the National Royal Society of British Artists Scholars Programme.


The need was identified to facilitate subject specific CPD that was not on offer in schools. As a National Society for Education in Art and Design Member, Kimberley Appleyard Pallot founded the SWAT to create the opportunity for collaboration  and the sharing of good practice.


St Mary's provides the venue, equipment for workshops and members of staff from The Art Department and Catering.




There has been a positive impact from this event with the number of attendees has increased since the first meetings. This is beneficial to students as they gain the benefit of a practitioner whose CPD has been updated.

Pupil Involvement

Students highlight key areas of focus of the Workshop through demonstration or presentation



Ongoing and held twice a year.