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Skirting Science

Taunton School was the venue for the inspirational ‘Skirting Science’ event on Wednesday, organised by women’s group Soroptomists International Taunton, attended by over 200 local Year 9 girls, Taunton Mayor and scientist Councillor Vivienne Stock-Williams, and featuring many workshops by local businesses.


There were 14 organisations at the science event, including The Met Office, Rolls Royce, The Institute of Physics and venue host Taunton School. After an initial welcome and introduction from Soroptomists International Taunton, aspiring scientists took part in some fascinating workshops.

More than 200 girls aged 13 and 14, from many local Somerset schools who were in attendance were able to participate in hands-on experiments such as constructing an ejection seat with The Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Museum, separating blood proteins with the University of Bristol and replicating the planet’s atmosphere in test tubes with the Institute of Physics.

It was appropriate that Taunton Mayor Vivienne Stock-Williams was in attendance given her background in medical research and former career in nursing.

Soroptimist International describe themselves as “a vibrant, dynamic organisation for today’s women … committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong and peaceful communities worldwide.”

Pupil Involvement

200 year 9 girls from 11 local Somerset schools.

