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Sixth Form Peer Support Programme

The Peer Support Lead programme is nearing the end of its third year. Sixth form students from across the town take part in training in counselling skills, empathy, listening skills to become an integral part of their school pastoral system. These students help to support younger students in small groups, assemblies, tutor time and one to one sessions. Topics such as exam stress, family issues and friendships are often covered in these sessions. 


At a time when mental health is a key focus for our schools and young people, this additional layer of support is so important. Key aims are: 

To support the pastoral system in participating schools.

To support students to develop skills for life.

To support the wellbeing of students.


Based on initial conversations with colleagues in partner schools, the programme was developed as a way to enhance the pastoral system and support student wellbeing. The programme is now in its third year. 


The programme has been a mixture of in person and online training due to covid restrictions although we hope to mostly meet in person going forwards. Representative teaching staff from each school have been involved in the programme and meet regularly to discuss plans and share ideas. Teaching staff and guest speakers present the training throughout the programme. Schools take it in turns to host the training. The costs are minimal and dependent on external trainers and resources needed. 


We are working with ImpactEd to carry out evaluations for this programme. The PSLs were surveyed at the start of the programme on several key competencies such as efficacy as well as more general wellbeing. This will be compared to survey results at the end of the programme. School specific data is collected internally such as number of 1 to 1 sessions and student feedback. 

Pupil Involvement

There is a real mix of Sixth form PSL students across all six schools. Students are recruited internally and commit to the role for the length of the programme. 


Training happens around once every term in twilight or afternoon sessions. the collaborative nature of this training allows for effective idea sharing and friendships being formed. Students take part in a range of activities such as acting out possible scenarios. The programme generally runs from October to May.