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Silver Surfers at JAGS

We have invited people into school to do a Silver Surfers group on Monday afternoons. The seniors love acquiring the technical know-how to shop online or Skype grandchildren, helped by Sixth Formers.


Silver Surfers was set up in partnership with Link Age Southwark with the aim of equipping local elderly residents with new skills in IT and digital technology. Each week JAGS students work with members of our local community to teach them new IT skills, or sometimes to help them with specific projects they need to do online. Sometimes internet searches can be daunting!

From September to March, we are learning together, working together and enjoying getting to know one another as we navigate the world wide web and solve a myriad of problems along the way!


Silver Surfers was set up almost ten years ago following discussions with our friends at Link Age Southwark, whom we have a long-standing partnership with. Link Age wanted to respond to a need expressed by many of their service users: to find a way to better understand and use technology. JAGS was happy to respond!

We set up a Monday afternoon workshop with our Year 13 students in an IT suite. Each week members of the community come to us for IT lessons or support to complete personal tasks requiring IT skills and equipment.


Over the years JAGS has supported almost 100 members of our elderly community to become better equipped with IT and to enjoy an afternoon of intergenerational socialising.

Pupil Involvement

Sixth Form.


Weekly, term time, September – March.