Sheffield Springs Academy Collaboration
Superlearners – High attainment pupils at SSA were paired with pupils from Guildford High School (GHS). Exchange took the form of Sheffield Springs Academy (SSA) pupils visiting GHS for lessons and a tour around University of Surrey – identified as a broadening outcome – and a ‘Christmas’ dinner. On the return exchange, GHS/SSA pupils visited Chatsworth House as a cultural visit, followed by group dinner and, on the following day, lessons.
SSA staff were also given the opportunity to share best practice with GHS staff in high-impact sessions.
Both legs of the exchange financed by GHS.
To provide school-school support and collaboration on a project whereby pupils from different academic backgrounds could nurture friendships given a cultural and academic focus.
Fostered friendship and pastoral links. Broadened future aspirations, addressed preconceptions. Teacher sharing best practice on learning/curriculum/pedagogy.
Pupil Involvement
Year 10/11 pupils
Twice yearly