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Science Sparks Workshops

The Hampton Science Department is keen to engage and enthuse primary school pupils with the world of Science and offers Science Sporks workshops to pupils in Year 5.


The aim of the Science Sparks workshops are to provide year 5 pupils with fun, hands-on workshops focusing on quantitative practical tasks. 

The Science Sparks programme provides an opportunity for pupils to apply their scientific knowledge and understanding to a range of practical activities they would ordinarily only come across at senior school.  

The workshops are fully risk assessed and focus on quantitative practical tasks with pupils using a range of scientific apparatus to take measurements - thermometers to measure temperatures, balances for weighing materials and stop watches to measure the speed of chemical reactions. Pupils learn how to analyse their results, present their findings and draw conclusions from the outcomes.

The workshops are designed to support the Upper Key Stage 2 Science curriculum in an interactive and exciting way.


Hampton School Chemistry teachers run the sessions at the local primary school. All apparatus and materials is provided by Hampton School. 

Pupil Involvement

Pupils are in Year 5 at their local primary school and both boys and girls are involved in the Science Sparks workshops.


The Science Sparks workshops take place over a 4 week period, with Hampton teaching staff focusing on a practical experiment one week followed by a theoretical session to explain the science behind the practical.