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Science is my Superpower

The project aims to raise the aspirations of Year 5 girls in STEM subjects, and also to aim high for Higher Education.


The project aims to raise the aspirations of Year 5 girls in STEM subjects, and also to aim high for Higher Education.

We also wanted to give CPD to the staff who brought the children to the sessions to allow them to deliver exciting Science back in their own school setting. 

Each school nominated 6-10 pupils to take part in the project and those pupils were identified as those who would benefit from an additional exciting learning opportunity. 

The success of the project has been dependent upon buy in from the schools, enthusiasm from the children and volunteers from Newcastle High School for Girls. 


Newcastle University Science Outreach and Newcastle High School for Girls had a conversation about getting more girls involved and excited by Science. We set about working together to create a project that would fulfil the aims of both parties. 

The working partnership began in 2019.


Newcastle Universities Facilities Scientists and Street Scientists

Newcastle High Staff and Facilities

Volunteers from Newcastle High 6th Form

The project runs for 12 x 3 hour sessions over a 2 year period. 

Both Newcastle University and Newcastle High make a financial contribution. 


We hope that the pupils involved in the project are inspired to continue their science journey.

We hope that through our partnerships with the schools, further work can be done with them. 

We are looking to develop a tool to asses progress. 

We will use a mixture of qualitative and quantitative assessments.

Pupil Involvement

The pupils are all Year 5 girls and 80 are involved in the first year of the project.

There are also 25 Year 12 Volunteers. 


The project runs for 12 x 3 hour sessions over a 2 year period. 
