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Rutter Requiem

Rutter Requiem was a liturgical performance in a Mass at St Marys, Whetstone church involving approximately 40+ students and 30+ SCC parents, providing our boys with the opportunity to perform outside of the school. Chosen to do the event on Remembrance Sunday, which as special occasion for the people of the parish and Sacred Heart Primary school.


This was an opportunity to for the boys to perform with parents in a church service outside of school. 



The music department staff have contacts with members of the church congregation and thought this was a nice opportunity to provide a performance for the Remembrance service.


 1 - 6 Columban Chorus, 30 - 40 parents: 40+ students and 30+ SCC parents.

Music equipment transported in minibuses.

Free performance.



To add a musical offering to the parish Masses.


Pupil Involvement

1 - 6 Columban Chorus: 11 -18 years old boys


SCC Columban Chorus intends to provide a number of these public performs each academic year when covid conditions allow.