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Resilience & Mental Health in Early Years Settings Workshop

King's Worcester offered all Early Years practitioners including nursery leaders and Reception class teachers the opportunity to attend a Resilience and Mental Health in Early Years settings workshop.

The workshop offered practical and fun ways on how Early Years staff can support children to develop resilience, emotional intelligence, and emotional regulation, as well as support children to develop the vital foundation skills needed to build meaningful relationship that they take into later years.

The workshop hosted at the King's Hawford campus was attended 33 practitioners from across Worcestershire.


This particular workshop aimed to provide practical and fun ways for Early Years staff to support children in developing resilience, emotional intelligence, and emotional regulation, as well as supporting children to develop the vital foundation skills needed to build meaningful relationships that they take into later years.


King's Worcester Educational Psychologist has been running a series of mental health workshops for pupils, parents and staff which have been hugely well received by all. 

Being so well received by the King's community we wanted to extend the resource to other pupils, parents and staff across other educational settings within Worcestershire.

This is the first of a series of mental health workshops covering a vast range of topic areas and target ages which will continue into next academic year.


These workshops are offered by the school's Educational Psychologist and are fully funded by King's School Worcester. 

School premises are used to host the workshops with all refreshments and resources covered by the school.


Quantitative feedback provided by those Early Years Practitioners who attended the workshop was extremely positive. Attendees found the workshop provided useful strategies and methods which they could put into practice in their individual settings.

Following on from this particular workshop attendees have requested similar style workshops to cover other areas of mental health and wellbeing.


This workshop was a stand alone event however, upon reflection the King's Foundation is now looking towards hosting a series of similar workshops surrounding different areas of mental health and wellbeing not only for Early Years Practitioners but primary school teachers and parents.