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Reach Out does Social Enterprise

We welcomed 10 schools to our Social Enterprise event, which focused on learning outside of the classroom and asked children to design new learning and discovery apparatus that enhanced cognitive development, stimulate the senses, and/or enhance overall well being.

Schools were asked to describe what ‘learning’ meant to them, and critically think about their school’s outdoor facilities – What is available? What do we learn when playing or using this equipment? What new piece of equipment would we like for our school if money was no object?

After some design time and decision-making, children were asked to produce one final design and prototype. We were delighted to see multi-use cubes, herb and flower gardens, climbing walls and climbing frames, sand pits and outdoor libraries. Schools had to complete paperwork to explain who in their school could use the equipment and how it may fit in with the curriculum. We were blown away by each school’s careful consideration and articulation, each demonstrating they fully understood the benefits of outdoor learning.

As part of Reach Out’s ongoing commitment to provide extraordinary opportunities and learning experiences to local primaries, we are delighted to grant one school sponsorship to bring their outdoor learning design to fruition.

Congratulations to Dunkirk Primary School who were the judges’ choice for their hexagonal outdoor learning space. The Hexagon features six sections dedicated to Art, Science, Maths, Creative Writing, Reading, Role Play and Music, with resources rotating according to the curriculum.

The Hexagon included a comfy seating area in the centre for those choosing to use the library, and break out space surrounding the six walls for play and learning. The Hexagon’s multi-functionality, longevity and accessibility really won extra points. 


Understand the meaning and possibilities of outdoor learning

Identify and design a new piece of outdoor learning apparatus for their school community

Work in teams to discuss, design and make decisions

Produce a product all children were proud of


This is the third time Reach Out has worked with a core group of pupils from Nottingham Primary Academy. The group will attend a total of 8 events across 2 academic years. The programme aims to measure impact across academic, behavioural and emotional development.

Social Enterprise also offers one school the opportunity to bring their designs to fruition with sponsorship towards their outdoor learning space. Dunkirk Primary School designed an impressive Hexagon space with resource rotation in Music, Art, Creative Writing, Library, Science and Maths. In the centre is a seating area for the library. NGHS Reach Out will work with Dunkirk Primary School over the next Year to complete the project.

Pupil Involvement

66 pupils made up of boys and girls of mixed ability from Years 4 and 5. 

10 primary schools made up of city and county. 91% of schools receive pupil premium. The highest grant being 34% and lowest 4%.

14 x NGHS talented scientists as peer mentors to younger years.

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