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REACH Academy

In 2018-19 the LEH Governor on the Local Governing Board of Reach Academy, Feltham. In this role she provided advice on academic standards and was paired with another Governor to carry out a day of learning walks to assess the efficacy of the academic strand of the School Development Plan. 

In return, LEH hosted the two Reach Assistant Heads for Teaching & Learning. Mr Piper and Ms Hughes spent part of the day on a learning walk with them at LEH and discussed various aspects of LEH’s curriculum and staff provision. This was furthered by two members of Reach staff joining us at Guy Claxton’s presentation and the ensuing discussion on our April INSET day. Activity for students was quieter in 2018-19: LEH invited Reach’s first female Oxbridge candidates to take part in our preparation and support sessions and some subjects, such as Physics, included Reach in their enrichment activities beyond the classroom.