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'Race to Lebrang' - United World Schools

In a dramatic Headmaster’s Assembly ‘takeover’ the Senior Prefect Team challenged each of the Houses and Lower School to ‘Race to Lebrang.’ The challenge was to complete a sponsored distance by any ‘self-propelled activities’, such as swimming, cycling, running or walking. Our overall goal was to cover 7382km - the distance between Ipswich and Lebrang schools.


United World Schools was the charity chosen to be supported by Ipswich School in the Michaelmas Term, and our Senior Prefect Team devised and led the school’s fundraising efforts.

The charity has a mission to support and educate children living in the most poverty-stricken and isolated parts of the world. They build and sustain schools around the globe and have created a partnership model which links every UWS school with another school or organisation - we were lucky enough to be partnered with the UWS Lebrang School in Nepal.


£8,344 was raised to support Lebrang School.

Pupil Involvement

The furthest distance was completed by a Year 9 Sherrington pupil, with an amazing total of 985km. The Ipswich School Running Club - made up of students and teachers -  kicked off the mileage totaliser with a run covering a total distance of 200km.