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Print-making Workshop Series

A series of print-making workshops designed to engage, develop and inspire a group of local primary school children with a keen interest in art.

Participants had the opportunity to experiment with the techniques of print-making over a four week period. Attending each Wednesday afternoon pupils developed their ideas and confidence with some outstanding results.


The primary aim of this initiative was to offer pupils with a keen interest and / or creative flair the opportunity to explore and develop a form of art which they would otherwise not have access too.

Recognising that primary schools in the local area do not have the facilities or the teaching expertise to deliver a broader art curriculum, the King's School Worcester Art Department sort to offer the opportunity for a handful of pupils to expand their creative portfolios.

The immediate beneficiaries of this project were the fifteen children who participated in the programme.


At King's School Worcester pupils make full use of the Art Department facilities including that of a full size printing press. The Head of Art expressed an interest in extending it's reach through the delivery of a series of workshops with the schools print-making specialist.

The series ran for four weeks during the course of the Autumn term and was the first time this had run.


Critical to the success of this initiative was the availability of the King's School Worcester, Head of Art together with the print-making specialist. The workshop was run in the school's print studio located within the art department with all materials provided. 

In addition to our teaching staff, our Partnerships Executive and art technician were on hand to support the event.

The financial contribution for the event was just under £400 (overtime for the print-making specialist).


At the end of the four week series both pupils and the staff that accompanied the pupils were delighted with the outcomes. This feedback was received both verbally and via email to include "We have been astonished by the development not only of our pupils artistic talents but of their confidence in such a short space of time. The pupils should and are extremely proud of their achievements."

Pupil Involvement

Pupils from the King's School Worcester are often used in the planning, delivery and execution of partnerships and outreach initiatives however, they were not required for this particular series of events.

Pupils attending the workshop series were in Year 6 with a mix of boys and girls attending.


This was a one-off series of workshops held of four consecutive weeks during the Autumn Term.