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Primary Science Lab Loan Pilot

When speaking with primary headteachers and teachers about areas of need, a lack of facilities and resources in areas such as Science and Technology is often raised. As a pilot this year I worked with the Science lead at Holy Trinity Primary School to design a morning of activities in a lab at RGS to support delivery of their Y4 and Y5 Science curricula. A key part of the project was the collaborative approach with team discussion and planning and joint delivery in the lab. We hosted a whole class each week so that the whole year group received the same sessions:

- Y5: Light and Reflection

- Y4: Bunsen Burners, changing state & separating mixtures


The aims of this Science Project are to:

- Support teaching of the KS2 science curriculum

- Provide resources for difficult to resource topics

- Provide CPD for primary class teachers who are usually not science specialists via team planning and delivery

- Give primary pupils experience in a real laboratory – inspire and increase confidence

- Help with transition to secondary school


We have many links already with HTPD via our other partnership programmes but our most recent link has been due to the West Surrey Partnership. The Science lead and I connected via the Imperial Science and Innovation Video competition entries and this opportunity could be linked to this initial connection.

Light and changing state were identified as sessions where some apparatus would accelerate learning. The primary team provided the slides for the sessions and we made sure that the visit was in sequence with their normal science lessons. The class teachers linked to prior learning and led questioning. The RGS staff facilitated resourcing, delivery and also safety during the practical.

Y5 Light: We conducted a shadow measurement experiment using light boxes, gathering data and plotting a graph and drawing conclusions. We designed a ‘laser maze’ to use laser ray boxes and mirrors to challenge the pupils to solve maze problems in teams.

Y4 Separating Mixtures: All pupils were taught to safely use the Bunsen Burner and passed their ‘licence’ gaining a certificate. We conducted an experiment heating ice to observe and explain the changes. We measured temperature using thermometers. We observed and discussed a distillation apparatus. (For fun, we conducted flame tests.)


An available facility – in this case a science lab for 3h. An available teacher at the same time. (NB this could be deliberately timetabled if possible.) Technical support from our lab technicians. Transport (for c.35 people each time) if required. In this case, this opportunity cost almost nothing as HTPD pupils and staff walked to RGS and there were no additional staffing costs. The impact was high (based on feedback from the Primary teachers) and therefore the cost-to-benefit ratio was significant.


The feedback from the students, class teachers, Science lead and Headteacher was strongly positive. The Assistant Head let me know that beforehand he had had concerns about the merits of taking a whole morning out of school but, having witnessed the benefits to the pupils, he thought it was absolutely worth it! Other feedback included:

“Thanks again for yesterday, the children are still excitedly talking about it!”

“Thank you so much for your input and for sorting out the equipment. It really has enriched our light topic.”

“I just wanted to once again pass on my thanks for hosting year 5 yesterday. The feedback from the children and [teacher] was great. With it being pitched just at the right level, and [the teacher] appreciated the support with some of the more complex explanations.”

It was particularly interesting that the primary class teachers felt very nervous about coming to RGS and teaching in a lab; however, after the experience they all said that it has been really fun, they had enjoyed it and felt much more confident. The confidence of the pupils during the sessions was also obvious to all. I also received some feedback via parents afterwards and the children has clearly been talking about their experience at home:

“Thank you very much for teaching my daughter’s class today. She thoroughly enjoyed learning about how to use the Bunsen burner. She was able to tell me that they watched you use various salts to produce different colour flames, that they melted ice cubes and that Bunsen burners use methane... Sounds pretty good to me!”

Pupil Involvement

No pupils from the independent school were involved. c.190 pupils (3x Y4 classes & 3x Y5 classes) were involved from Holy Trinity Pewley Down Primary School. There would be potential for pupils from the host school to be involved as mentors if they are able to be available.


This was a one-off pilot project to provide proof of concept. We hope to identify the same opportunity again next year and to use a wider range of staff and offer more sessions to a wider range of schools. There is also potential for other schools in the WSP to offer a similar opportunity using any facility (Tech lab, Food lab, sports facility etc.)