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Primary Schools Maths Festival

In 2023, we are delighted to have celebrated the 21st anniversary of our annual Primary School Maths Festival. Each year we invite teams of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from up to 12 local state schools for a fun day of mathematical activities.

This year, the day began with a poster competition based on the theme of ‘Interesting Numbers’ and the teachers were really impressed by the variety of ideas the pupils displayed. Teams then took part in a fast-paced mathematical relay race before a well-earned lunch break. In the afternoon pupils tackled more problem solving and practical tasks.


Our aim is to share our expertise in Maths with pupils at other schools, and to foster a love of learning.


The project has now been running for 21 years, and is a popular fixture. Most schools come back every single year, and comment on how much their children have enjoyed it


A number of our maths teachers are involved at some point in the day, and the event is led by our Head of Maths. Pupils visit our site, and use our classrooms and cafeteria. We welcome between 40 and 50 children (up to 12 teams of 4), and they stay for an entire day. This event is free of charge to all schools. Pupils get a "goody bag" to take home at the end of the day, with certificates celebrating their participation


We ask for feedback from participating schools every year. The fact that most schools return every year is a testament to the success of the event.

Pupil Involvement

4 of our own pupils are involved, along with 40 to 50 from other schools. They are all from year 4 and year 5.


This event takes place every October, and we plan to continue it for as long as it has value

Primary Schools Maths Festival