Primary School Skills Day
Sports Skills Day
St James' and Charlton Kings pupils enjoyed a day of coaching in hockey and rugby, provided by Dean Close's professional sports coaches. Additionally, St James, Lakeside and Charlton Kings Primaries' pupils attended a sports skills day to develop their hockey and netball skills under the coaching of professional coaches.
Skill Days are held termly in different sports each term; the Hockey and Rugby day is held annually. The day aimed to provide opportunities for professional coaching to aspiring young sports girls and boys, which would not otherwise be available to them. They also trained and played with over 100 other children from different schools. The events are run to help develop the sporting skills of primary age children. Sports teachers also attend and can benefit from the professional coaching methods.
These Sports Skills Days have been held for over 10 years, with invitations sent out to Cheltenham primary schools and local prep schools, to support the development of those identified by their schools as having strong potential. The day uses Dean Close facilities and professional sports coaches with lunch provided, free of charge. Impact is assessed through the verbal feedback from pupils, school staff and parents.
Dean Close contributes the time and expertise of its sports coaches, as well as use of its sports facilities and grounds. 4-6 coaches are use and 2-3 hosts (marketing and senior staff). The days are free to the attending pupils. The Primary Schools return each time this event is put on because they appreciate the value of their pupils receiving top quality coaching. The Primaries' PE teachers see the outcomes more than Dean Close's sports coaches.