Primary School Science Workshops - Abingdon Science Partnership
The Abingdon Science Partnership, ASP, offers hands-on workshops in our dedicated Partnership Laboratory for a number of local maintained and independent primary/prep schools in the area. In the first two years that the workshops have run around 17 schools have taken part. Pupils can experience facilities and resources not usually available in primary schools – and wear lab coats! We offer standard workshops on a number of KS1/KS2 science topics but we can accommodate most requests. Examples of popular workshops include: chemical reactions, earth and space, and animal adaptations.
* To increase pupils’ enthusiasm for and confidence in science
* To provide resources that may not otherwise be available to schools
When the Yang Science Centre opened, it incorporated a dedicated lab for science partnership activities. Due to the lack of science facilities in nearly all primary schools and some prep schools, the use of the lab and its facilities was particularly appealing to this sector. At first, workshop topics were requested by the primary schools, but gradually a suite of common workshops have been developed covering all KS1 and KS2 science topics, plus some general workshops such as lab skills. These are now available to select and book via an online portal detailing content and availability.
ASP lab. Science Partnership Co-ordinator and teaching staff to develop relationships with partner schools and the activities themselves. ASP assistant to facilitate bookings/develop an online booking system. One member of teaching staff to lead each workshop (often a reduced timetable is provided to allow this), plus one member of non-teaching staff to assist. Finances to provide extra resources and occasionally provide partner schools with transport to and from the school. Science technician to maintain and prepare resources for each workshop.
In 2017-2018, 30 workshops took place with 886 pupils from Years 1-6 from 11 different local schools. After attending a workshop, of 296 pupils that responded, 83% said they would like to learn more science.
Pupil Involvement
ASP offers workshops to all KS1/KS2 pupils.
This is an on-going project with workshops taking place at various times throughout the year depending on ASP staff availability.