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Primary School Mathematics

Perse maths department teachers plan fun and engaging sessions which are focused on developing the breadth of mathematical understanding in year 5 and 6 pupils.

Sixth Form pupils meet with teachers one lunchtime a fortnight to go through the planning, and also to feedback about the previous week. They then visit local primary schools in Greater Cambridge and Cambourne on a fortnightly basis to deliver the sessions.

The schools can also choose to enter the Primary maths challenge, for which the entries are funded by The Perse School.

This partnership runs during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms.


The annual programme starts with a Maths Roadshow event that is hosted at The Perse Upper. This usually involves an entire Year 6 cohort coming to the school to experience a carousel of maths-related sessions led by Perse pupils under the supervision of Perse teaching staff.

The Perse provides and funds transport and resources for the visits to The Perse and to Primary Schools.

The Perse funds entries into the Primary Maths Challenge.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils at the Perse are in Year 13.

Pupils in primary schools are Years 5-6.


The programme is ongoing each year running in the Michaelmas and Lent terms.