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Primary Ambitions lessons-in-a-box

Primary Ambitions lessons-in-a-box initiative is a modified version of our Primary Ambitions programme launched in 2019.  Its aim is to enable us to continue providing enrichment opportunities for Year 6 pupils in our local partner primary schools. 

The programme offers 19 enrichment modules, each running for 5 weeks. Modules include Greek Gods, Heroes and Myths; Politics; Spanish; Creative writing; Tropical Rainforests; Life as a 10-year-old Londoner in the Second World War; Science and Maths Maestros. Our Lower Sixth pupils developed presentation materials, video content, games and worksheets, as appropriate, for their assigned subject. We provided all the necessary materials to our partner schools,  electronically and physically,  to enable them to deliver each of the modules on their sites.


The aim of the programme is twofold. Firstly to provide enrichment opportunities for our local partner primary school children within Covid-19 government guidelines.  Secondly, and equally important, to enable our Lower Sixth pupils the opportunity to take on leadership roles, further develop their confidence and presentation skills.  

Our programme offers Year 6 children the opportunity to explore topics and engage in hands-on activities in a variety of subjects including Gymnastics, Drama, Spanish, Politics, Greek Gods, Science, Filmmaking, Computer Programming, Biodiversity and Art. 


Primary Ambitions lessons-in a-box programme is a continuation of our on-site Primary Ambitions programme. In discussion with our partners, we developed the concept of delivering the enrichment sessions in a ready-to-deliver format. 


Developing the lessons-in-a-box materials was resource intensive. Our Lower Sixth pupils developed  five lessons within each module (eg, Clay Creatures or Maths Maestros) which included presentation slides, worksheets and answers, discussion prompts and activities. Emanuel staff supervised and contributed to the development of each module. The materials were developed over a six week period. 

The materials were developed so that they could be run on each partner school's site. 

Non-teaching staff put collated materials, organised and delivered resources to each participating school weekly. 

We provided all of the resources eg, clay, paints. shells and charcoal for art; iPads (on loan) for filmmaking; seeds, cotton wool, beakers, measuring tapes, timers for Science. 


We have not yet evaluated Primary Ambitions lessons-in-a-box formally. Given school closures it has been a very disjointed year. Informal feedback suggests that our partner schools loved the programme. It provided much needed enrichment during a very challenging time. 

Pupil Involvement

All 124 of our Lower Sixth pupils at Emanuel School were involved in developing the materials for the programme. 


Primary Ambitions is an ongoing programme. The lessons-in-a-box variant was developed specifically for this disrupted and high restrictive school year. The programme is designed to run as a series of 5-week modules. Schools select which modules are of interest and the sessions are delivered as per an agreed schedule. 

The resources that we have developed will provide a viable way for schools to participate that are unable to come to our site. Given this, with regular fine-tuning, we anticipate that we will be able to offer this programme going forward.